
33 Retail assets found.

  • Implement portfolio management, growth, upsell and fraud strategies now ahead of the season for swiping to capture wallet share including Gen Z’s growing spending power.

  • Aligning your team to fight rising fraud threats
    Document Published Date: Oct 10, 2018

    Fraud is constantly evolving. New technology and complex underground networks mean a rise in criminal sophistication. In response, fraud prevention has become complicated and damaging to the customer experience.

  • Price optimization in retail consumer lending
    Document Published Date: Jan 7, 2018

    This white paper evaluates how price optimization not only delivers improved profitability, but also provides the business with a better understanding of the overall business performance. For many organizations, the real benefits are gained through improved operational and financial management and the ability to respond to changing economic and competitive environments more dynamically.

  • Make every contact count for you and your customers
    Document Published Date: Dec 15, 2017

    Enriching the customer data and applying analytics techniques to define the relevance of each possible communication to each customer allows the organization to schedule the most relevant communications to the entire customer base. Read more for an understanding how better engagement between the organization and customers can lead to stronger business performance.

  • ALDO improves email deliverability case study
    Document Published Date: Aug 23, 2017

    ALDO is a leader in fashion footwear and accessories, with over 1,600 stores globally. They communicate with customers via email and wanted to increase the size of their email subscriber database during the upcoming holiday season.

    Read this case study to find out how ALDO used email verification to ensure the accuracy of the email address collected at point of sale without interrupting or slowing the checkout process for shoppers.

  • The key to unlocking multichannel success
    Document Published Date: Aug 22, 2017

    The customer’s path to purchase will continue to grow in complexity; cross-, multi-, and omni-channel shopping is here to stay. People today use multiple devices for researching, purchasing, and returning products, and because they engage with businesses in a non-linear manner, they also expect their experiences to be consistent, no matter the channel.

    This white paper will detail how to manage data quality when dealing in multichannel environments, and how we can help you make a great multichannel experience a reality.

  • The key to unlocking multichannel success
    Document Published Date: Aug 22, 2017

    The customer’s path to purchase will continue to grow in complexity; cross-, multi-, and omni-channel shopping is here to stay. People today use multiple devices for researching, purchasing, and returning products, and because they engage with businesses in a non-linear manner, they also expect their experiences to be consistent, no matter the channel.

    This white paper will detail how to manage data quality when dealing in multichannel environments, and how we can help you make a great multichannel experience a reality.

  • How to compete and win against Amazon
    Document Published Date: Aug 18, 2017

    Amazon has changed the face of retail as we know it. How is your organization keeping up? This white paper provides insights on how you can compete—and win—against Amazon.

  • Video | The latest insights on e-commerce fraud
    Video Uploaded Date: May 10, 2017

    Our recent analysis shows that e-commerce fraud attack rates have spiked more than 30 percent over the last year. With the recent switch to EMV, data breaches and automation are driving online fraud more than ever.

    Experian® analyzes e-commerce fraud attack rates biannually by both shipping and billing locations. Fraud attack rates show the attempted fraudulent e-commerce transactions against the population of overall e-commerce orders. Download the listing of Top 100 ZIP codes in the United States for 2016.

    Watch this video and click here to check out our latest e-commerce fraud heat map.

  • With the recent switch to EMV and more than 4.2 billion records being exposed by data breaches last year, attackers are migrating their fraud attempts to the card-not-present channel.

    Join Experian and our guest presenter Julie Conroy from Aite Research Group to learn how businesses and customers are being affected by e-commerce fraud. Gain valuable insight and deeper understanding into:

    • Where fraud attacks are increasing across the U.S. and fraud trends from 2016
    • How attackers are exploiting EMV and the challenges it may be creating
    • What are the most common instances of e-commerce fraud and how it happens Strategies to react to the ever-changing fraud landscape
  • [Infographic] Unpacking the Breakout Success of the Amazon Echo
    Infographics Uploaded Date: Sep 7, 2016

    Smartphones offer a contextual channel but require us to learn a new language of taps and swipes to navigate. This often increases complexity for a consumer who must wade through a series of screens to find an answer. Conversational interfaces driven by voice or text offer a cleaner, simpler user experience without having to learn a new syntax. It is this ease of use, and the resulting utility of a conversational interface that has manifested in the Amazon Echo’s popularity. Our infographic reveals insights uncovered in a survey jointly-conducted by @AaronSuplizio and @Cherian_Abraham of Experian as well as @BenBajarin of Creative Strategies. We believe voice and messaging significantly increase the accessibility and usability of numerous applications for consumers. Experian can help with creating the right strategy and approach. Opt-in to our consumer research panel here.

  • Mobile marketing best practices guide
    Document Published Date: Jul 29, 2016

    As marketers apply a more customer-centric, cross-channel approach to their marketing efforts, mobile has become one the most critical channels and tools for marketers to effectively acquire, engage and convert customers.

    The guide includes:

    • The current state of the mobile market and top business challenges marketers face with their mobile strategies
    • Tactical approaches for developing a successful mobile marketing program that supports true, end-to-end intelligent engagement
    • Examples of intelligent mobile interactions based on best practices from Experian Marketing Services’ mobile experts

    This guide contains data from our quarterly email benchmark series. To download the latest email benchmark report, click here.

  • Q1 2016 Email Benchmark Report
    Document Published Date: Jul 29, 2016

    Overall email marketing trends for the first quarter

    Key findings include:

    • Email volume rose by 25.9% compared to Q1 2015, while open rates matched or were above those in Q1 2015.
    • Unique click rates rose 8.5% over Q4 2015
    • 30% of brands saw statistically significant increases in transaction rates in Q1 2016.

    In this report's spotlight on section, we examine mobile text message campaigns and their performance over the past 5 months. Download the report to learn more about how consumers are interacting with mobile.

  • Why marketers should fight email fraud
    Document Published Date: Jul 29, 2016

    Email is one of the most effective channels for driving leads and revenue. But phishing attacks have the power to bring even the most sophisticated email marketing program to its knees, destroying brand trust, customer loyalty and marketing effectiveness.

    Marketers own the email channel. They have a responsibility to help protect it, yet it is hard to know how to collaborate with security.

    That is why we're sharing tips for how to build this relationship in our webinar.

    View now to learn:

    • What email fraud is
    • Why marketers should care
    • Best practices for collaborating with security to help fight back
  • As marketers, we often find ourselves latching to fragmented pieces of our customer’s journey – an open here, a purchase there, a tweet there. Without a way to combine those touch points into a single and complete view of the customer’s identity, though, marketers can’t begin to craft truly seamless and contextual experiences. Understanding behavior, motivation and needs down to the individual is core to the success of any cross-channel marketing strategy, and it relies on that full picture of identity, the customer’s “DNA.”

    View this webcast to learn:

    • Why a single customer view is critical for brand relationships
    • The steps to building a single customer view
    • How our clients are using full customer identity to inform their programs across channels
  • The Australia-based not-for-profit organization Movember needed to scale their e-newsletter marketing efforts to reach global markets with localized and country-specific messages. By partnering with Experian Marketing Services, they were able to develop centrally-controlled templates to send 460 personalized e-newsletters in one year, a 300% increase from the year prior, reaching a 10% higher open rate than the industry average.

  • Bass Pro Shops, a retailer for hunting, fishing, camping and other outdoor recreation merchandise, needed a way to intelligently interact with lapsed email subscribers in order to win back their business. To distinguish between truly inactive email addresses and subscribers who were simply not interacting with the brand, Bass Pro joined Experian Marketing Services' Email Insights cooperative, a service that helps marketers discover deeper customer insights from participating members. By overlaying global email activity data onto its current customer files, Bass Pro could maintain its positive sender reputation by avoiding truly inactive email addresses.

  • Watch this Experian Marketing Services webcast for an in-depth look into email testing strategies for your own marketing team. While competitive insights and benchmarks are invaluable resources, your customers have a unique set of needs. Learn why testing is important for your own email benchmark.

  • This infographic breaks down the type of device used by a multi-channel consumer when emailing, visiting websites, engage in social networking, and watch videos in a typical week.

  • Infographic: The CMO's three keys to marketing success
    Infographics Uploaded Date: May 15, 2016

    Marketing infographics: looking at three main keys that can open doors to a customer-centric approach and bring greater possibilities and marketing success.

  • The 2015 Digital Marketer
    Document Published Date: May 13, 2016

    Insights from more than 1,000 marketers worldwide

    The 2015 Digital Marketer Report provides trends, benchmarks, best practice examples and insights from our expert analysts on topics such as:

    • How the top challenges to cross-channel marketing can also be your biggest opportunities
    • Identifying your customers regardless of channel or device
    • Planning and orchestrating customer-centric cross-channel campaigns
  • The 2016 Digital Marketer
    Document Published Date: May 13, 2016

    The 2016 Digital Marketer Report covers the top challenges and priorities of marketers today, with a special focus on what we heard from executive-level marketers at enterprise companies. The research includes insights from more than 1,100 marketers around the world, plus Experian Marketing Services’ expert analysts.

  • The Email+ Playbook
    Document Published Date: May 13, 2016

    Email, while a tried-and-true marketing method, isn’t a complete marketing strategy. In this ultimate playbook, you’ll discover new ways to integrate mobile, social, display and TV advertising into your current email program.

    Download the eBook now to learn:

    • Why starting with email will set you up for a growing cross-channel strategy
    • Proven strategies for integrating your email program with mobile, social, display and TV
    • Requirements for building an integrated strategy
  • 2016 Relevancy Ring ESP Buyers Guide Positions Experian #1
    Document Published Date: May 13, 2016

    The Relevancy Group’s annual assessment of email marketing service providers has been released for 2016, and Experian Marketing Services took the top spot in the report among all vendors, coming out as both the largest ESP and #1 in the Leader’s Ring.

    Our top placement can be attributed to a number of positives, including:

    • Most native functionality of all vendors in both omnichannel and content/personalization tools categories
    • More than 2X the data centers of any other vendor
    • Client satisfaction across the board – Experian Marketing Services received multiple client satisfaction awards in seven categories, and all clients boasted about the partnership they share with Experian
  • Webinar: Chipping away at EMV myths
    Document Published Date: Oct 30, 2015

    As a growing number of businesses and consumers across the U.S. are learning and adjusting to new EMV credit cards, many still question the impact EMV will have on protecting consumers and businesses from increasingly savvy and sophisticated criminal fraud rings. Join Experian and our panel of experts as we look at how businesses are faring one month into the EMV liability shift.

  • With 2014 holiday sales in the United States topping $616 billion, many merchants may find it necessary to make adjustments to their fraud-prevention rules to accommodate this increased volume. Our data shows that using this information in more insightful ways helps our merchant apply the right fraud-prevention strategies at the right time.

  • Highlights of how a customer-centric fraud prevention strategy can help drive revenue. Fraudnet eCommerce results compared to industry averages
  • Bluestem Brands, one of the United States¿ largest catalog and online direct marketers, faced the challenge of how to best leverage its abundant customer intelligence

  • Cybercriminals have become more proficient at stealing data and account credentials. Criminals have learned that they can achieve bigger monetary gains over longer periods of time through undetected access and maintaining a persistent, long-term presence in critical business environments. Our panel of experts will help you learn how to navigate complex and evolving cyber risks without sacrificing the customer experience or increasing security vulnerabilities.

  • Growing business by providing finance for its customers
    Document Published Date: May 1, 2014
    A leading global technology supplier uses Experian to improve their business agility and market flexibility with global consulting and powerful decisioning tools