It’s not easy to gauge exactly how much is being lost to synthetic ID fraud industry-wide. View our Infographic to see the impact of Synthetic ID.
Download our tip sheet to learn the types of synthetic identities that may be entering your collection portfolio and how you can keep them out.
Preventing synthetic identity fraud requires more than standard fraud detection. In our newest perspective paper, we explore the dangers of synthetic fraud and how a multilayered strategy can help prevent it.
We’re answering you’re your questions around synthetic identity fraud. During the QA session of our Synthetic identity fraud: Fake customers presenting real risk webinar, we had a number of questions we simply couldn’t answer within the allotted time.
Our Experian experts, as well as those from Aite, provide responses that we want to share with you now.
We’re committed to helping you mitigate fraud risk. Get your answers now.
The risk of synthetic identity fraud is growing at an alarming rate. Associated losses with this this type of fraud are estimated to be in the billions, and increasing exponentially. But it can be stopped — we'll to tell you how.
Experian and guest presenter from Aite Research, dive into how businesses and customers are being affected, look at how a synthetic identities are created and best practices to mitigate the risk.
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