Take customer prospecting to new heights. Uncover and identify the right prospects within a consumer segment that may have been overlooked. Using a combination of our credit marketing tools, you’ll be able to find consumers who best meet your acquisition objectives, including near-prime consumers, channel expansion and new entrants. For commercial lenders, our credit marketing solutions provide a 360° view of prospective business clients. With the power of B2B marketing and credit risk data, you can identify the right target audience, select the best-performing media and optimize your campaigns.
Our data-driven methods allow you to reliably — and effectively — select the most profitable segments. Use customer prospecting and marketing lists to prequalify consumers for firm credit offers; set lending criteria using standard and/or custom attributes and scores; and use demographic selections, segmentation models and consumer preference scores.
Make credit-based decisions with the most current data in the market, while employing customization and decisioning flexibility. Leverage analytics to better predict and understand customer behavior, needs and preferences for optimal marketing decisions.
With data-driven marketing, you can make optimal customer-level decisions and maximize your organization’s profit, revenue, sales and offers.
By determining the best decision for each individual customer, you can power your marketing strategy. Personalize the offer, the channel and the time of delivery to your customers’ preferences.
Satisfy and comply with contact rules, stay within the confines of your budget and deliver a mix of offers. The opportunities for marketing optimization are endless.
Base better decision-making off forecasts of your underlying data as well as analytical tools such as response models, revenue models, cost and contact history.
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