Synthetic identities are increasingly difficult to detect especially with the growing prevalence of digital banking. IDC Research Director Steven D'Alfonso shares thoughts on the effects SID have on banks and an overview of action to take to detect SIDs and limit exposure. Learn about the impacts of COVID-19 and how Experian's Sure Profile could be a game changer in the battle against synthetic identities in this IDC Perspective.
Disclaimer: Please note that loss coverage and assurance is no longer offered with Sure Profile.
In our latest white paper, we explore the impacts of synthetic identity fraud and how the right toolset can help organizations identify and prevent it.
Keir Breitenfeld, Senior Business Consultant, recently sat down with host, Cameron D’Ambrosi on the State of Identity Podcast to discuss the emergence of synthetic identity fraud, its true financial impact and how organizations can begin to fight back.
The proliferation of new fraud schemes is growing exponentially. From generative AI to retail and small business scams, join our experts to learn what today’s sophisticated fraudsters are scheming for tomorrow and how to protect your business and your consumers.
Experian’s 2024 Future of Fraud Forecast sheds light on five of our fraud predictions. From generative AI to retail and small business scams, join our experts to learn what today’s sophisticated fraudsters are scheming for tomorrow and how to protect your business and your consumers.
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