Lenders need to target and retain the most lucrative consumers to expand their portfolios. Balance transfers represent a critically important revenue lever in the market. By understanding the drivers behind transfers and improving response rates through propensity modeling, you can develop a strategy to target and retain optimal balance-transfer candidates – those who will deliver returns with minimal risk.
Download the perspective paper to learn more.
Learn how credit unions can optimize their credit limit strategies to grow card use, increase member loyalty and manage risk.
Discover key insights to understand and capitalize on growth opportunities for the Alternative Finance Services market.
Leverage the right insights to learn how you can effectively grow in this environment.
As we prepare for the year ahead, it’s crucial to understand the trends of 2023 that shaped our current economic environment. Download the 2023 Experian Edge Economic Chartbook, where you can find critical insights into the labor market, inflation, banking stress, delinquencies and more.
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