The Idaho Transportation Department is a government organization responsible for maintaining state transportation infrastructure and providing top-tier services to state residents. To meet that goal, they need to have a consolidated view of their residents. However, information spread across siloed databases prevented them from accurately matching citizen records, and thus providing a positive customer experience.
Read this case study to find out how the Idaho Transportation Department used our data management and data matching tool to identify duplicate records and proactively address data quality issues.
Data has never been more plentiful - or more important - to how the government operates. Agencies in the public sector are mobilizing and modernizing legacy systems and processes in order to improve citizen experience. This means that data, technology, and the people to optimize the two are more critical than ever to success in these areas.
We surveyed 200 public sector professionals from federal, state, and local government, health and human services, motor vehicles, labor and unemployment, and law enforcement with visibility into their agency's data management practices. Read this research study to learn:
Digital business demands trustworthy data. Today's businesses are sophisticated and are powered by the vast amounts of data collected. As the volume, type of, and reliance on data grows, so does the need for better people, processes, and tools to make the most of those data assets.
That's why we have been following and analyzing trends in data management around the world for the past several years. We're excited to introduce this year's, 2018 global data benchmark report, which takes a deep dive into the latest advancements, challenges, and focuses within the data management industry.
In this report, you'll find:
Most companies are likely to undergo a data migration project at some point. Our 2017 global data benchmark report revealed that 83% of data migrations fail or exceed their budgets and schedules. Given all this business investment, doesn't it make sense to invest in the quality of data being migrated before it costs your organization?
This white paper takes a look at the biggest obstacles in data migrations, how to complete a migration project in time and on budget, and provides a pre-migration impact assessment checklist to ensure your data migration success.
Organizations today recognize the importance of the data they hold, but a general lack of trust in the quality of their data prevents them from achieving strategic business objectives. For 2017, Experian Data Quality's global data management benchmark report looks at responses from more than 1,400 data management professionals across the globe to understand how data is being used within organizations and how perceived trust in that data impacts business priorities.
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