Many credit marketing leaders are actively evaluating and finding viable consumer populations within the near-prime consumer population today.
Download our latest white paper, Expanding the Marketable Universe, filled with valuable data and analysis that will help you identify strategies for acquiring new accounts in lower-scoring segments.
As inflation puts pressure on the economy, consumers are looking to businesses to protect them and make their life online easier. Our latest research, gathered in May and June of 2022, dives into how U.S. consumers and businesses are navigating the economic shift and the increasing need to balance data security with a personalized experience.
Gain insight into the latest in alternative data and how you can seize new opportunities.
To stay competitive in today’s lending landscape and increase portfolio profitability, financial institutions must streamline their processes, accelerate their decisioning and mitigate risk — all while providing customers with a positive experience. Learn how you can enhance your current underwriting procedures and approve more eligible applicants.
At the end of March 2020, Congress enacted the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), and provided accommodations – payment assistance or relief – to consumers affected by the pandemic. Now that the accommodations period is ending, how can lenders better predict the future payment performance of each account and identify consumers that still need additional assistance?
In our new report, we analyze more than 8 million consumer mortgage, auto, personal loan, and bankcard accounts that were once in an accommodation status and provide predictive insights into these consumers, including those who will be exiting these programs. Learn more about key findings and get recommendations and strategies that you can implement now.
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