
43 Fintech assets found.

  • Experian’s data scientists and analysts equip fintechs with consumer credit trends to help make strategic lending decisions as well as a profitable growth roadmap for the second half of 2024 and beyond. Impactful callouts from the report include:

    • Unsecured personal loan originations for fintech lenders are showing a stead 5-year growth despite being down from this time last year.
    • Delinquency rates for fintech lenders in both unsecured personal loads and credit cards are seeing Month-over-month decreases in Q1 of 2024.
  • Fintech Trends Report: Who is the digital borrower?
    Document Published Date: Apr 25, 2024

    Our analysis delves into various attributes to help us gain a deeper understanding of the digital borrower compared to all other borrowers for unsecured personal loans as well as credit cards. Our data analysts also looked at borrowers, irrespective of generation, regarding information such as household income, credit score and history, open trade lines, credit utilization, and more.

  • Fintech Trends Report: Consumer credit trends and insights
    Document Published Date: Apr 15, 2024

    This report delves deeper into these fintech credit trends and analyzes their potential impact on the fintech lending landscape. Inside, you'll find:

    • Data-driven insights: Understand the trends impacting your core products
    • Expert analysis: Gain insights into the factors driving these changes
    • Actionable strategies: Explore potential adjustments to your lending approach
  • Webinar: Fraud and Identity Challenges for Fintechs
    Webinar Published Date: Dec 14, 2023

    Experts discuss pressures impacting fintech growth and innovations that will redefine the way identity risks and confidence are recognized.

  • Case study: Increase approvals while reducing losses
    Document Published Date: Feb 24, 2021

    Discover how Atlas Credit was able to double their loan approval rates while reducing risk with instant decisioning and custom models.

  • State of the Economy Report - December 2020
    Document Published Date: Jan 4, 2021

    Explore state-level and industry-level data that banks, credit unions, and fintechs can leverage to track the downturn and be correctly positioned for the recovery in this monthly report.

  • Webinar: Charting the new normal for consumer credit
    Webinar Published Date: Dec 9, 2020

    Experian and Oliver Wyman teamed up on a data-driven exploration to investigate how the economic measures have been used and the impact they have had on both the economy and credit landscape.

  • Webinar: Post-election regulatory update
    Webinar Published Date: Dec 9, 2020

    The 2020 presidential race, divided government and the latest developments on state legislature – there is a lot to talk about in the regulatory world these days. Join Tony Hadley, SVP, Government and Regulatory Affairs, and our expert panel as they dive into legislative and regulatory trends in the context of the recent election, including insights into privacy, the CFPB and more.

    Topics discussed:

    • CFPB priorities and rulemaking
    • On-going potential for COVID-19 bills
    • State-level initiatives around privacy and CARES Act-related limits
  • State of the Economy Report - November 2020
    Document Published Date: Nov 23, 2020

    Explore state-level and industry-level data that banks, credit unions, and fintechs can leverage to track the downturn and be correctly positioned for the recovery in this monthly report.

  • State of the Economy Report - October 2020
    Document Published Date: Oct 23, 2020

    Explore state-level and industry-level data that banks, credit unions, and fintechs can leverage to track the downturn and be correctly positioned for the recovery in this monthly report.

  • Watch this webinar for the latest updates regarding the macroeconomic forecast and credit trends as we head into Q4 2020. Our experts will conduct a deep dive into changing trends as a result of COVID-19, featuring all-new data and implications.

  • COVID-19 Economic Scenarios Report - October 2020
    Document Published Date: Oct 22, 2020

    Read our new report delivering in-depth analysis on COVID-19 economic scenarios as of October 2020 and what they mean for potential trajectories of the economy – with all-new data for Q4.

    The report, featuring key insights from Mohammed Chaudhri, Experian Chief Economist, provides a deep dive on:

    • Key economic outcomes of a V-, U-, and W-shaped recovery
    • Key sectors at risk during the global pandemic
    • Government and fiscal policy measures
  • Case Study: Spring EQ and Boost
    Document Published Date: Apr 3, 2020

    Learn how home equity lender, Spring EQ, leveraged Experian Boost™, which captures the value of consumer's utility and telecom trade lines, to help applicants near approval or risk thresholds qualify for better loan terms and conditions.

  • As a mortgage lender, it’s important to reach the right customers at the right time. Vantage West Credit Union leveraged Experian’s Prospect TriggersSM to identify and target qualified consumer in the market for credit, leading to an additional $18 million in funded mortgages.

    Learn how this Arizona-based credit union targeted credit-active prospects in this case study.

  • Washington State Employees Credit Union (WSECU) leveraged Experian’s Advanced Prequalification solution to provide members with instant credit decisioning through their online banking platform. Within three months of implementing a digital prequalification process, the member-powered credit union’s loan and credit applications increased by 25%.

    Discover how Advanced Prequalification helped WSECU in this case study.

  • Fintech is now synonymous with constant innovation, agile technology structures, and being on the cusp of the future of finance—fintech challengers; companies who are disrupting existing financial models by leveraging data, advanced analytics, and technology. These challengers have since inspired traditional financial institutions to either emulate or collaborate. Learn how fintechs are faring against traditional FIs with this must-have eBook.

  • In this 15-minute session, Analytics Consultant Emily Garrett will walk through some examples on how alternative data can make a big impact in your business, including how to:

    • Make more accurate commercial credit decisions
    • Underwrite traditionally difficult small businesses with the help of alternative data
  • To promote transparency and aid in model governance, VantageScore Solutions publishes validations results annually, along with updated odds/performance charts. This paper highlights the most recent validation results and also presents insights gleaned from a decade of credit score model performance validations.

  • SCRA Summary and Solutions
    Document Published Date: May 1, 2016

    Learn how Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) protects servicemembers and the compliance solutions available to lenders.

  • Must Know Details About the Military Lending Act
    Document Published Date: May 1, 2016

    Are you aware of the latest enhancements to the Military Lending Act? The Department of Defense passed a Final Rule in July 2015, and all lenders must get compliant by October 2016. Read our free paper on the actions you must take to get compliant and avoid costly fines.

  • Shaping the Future of Online Marketplace Lending
    Video Uploaded Date: Dec 3, 2015

    The evolving landscape of online marketplace lending and the future of the industry.

  • Why Online Marketplace Lenders Should Report Data
    Video Uploaded Date: Dec 3, 2015

    Industry experts weigh in on the importance of data reporting for marketplace lenders.

  • The State of Online Marketplace Lending
    Document Published Date: Dec 2, 2015

    In 2008, a short two years after the first online marketplace lenders opened for business, the Great Recession began to wreak havoc on worldwide financial markets. Small businesses struggled to survive, banks failed and access to capital was limited. More online lenders saw an opportunity and opend for business. These technology-driven newcomers hired an army of data scientists, coders and digital marketers. In the fall of 2015 the innovation, industry disruption and regulatory uncertainty that characterize this dynamic sector led Experian to produce a series of articles focusing on different aspects of online marketplace lending. This report contains those articles.

  • Peter Renton, Founder of Lend Academy shares shares his perspectives on regulatory change, innovation and what's driving growth in small business lending via online marketplace lenders.

  • Kathryn Ebner, head of capital markets for Credibly shares her perspectives about online marketplace lending, innovation and where the industry is headed.

  • Sam Hodges, Co-Founder of Funding Circle shares his perspectives with Experian about the online marketplace lending industry, what makes Funding Circle unique, and what lays ahead for the industry.

  • Andrew Smith, Partner with Covington & Burling, LLC shares his perspectives with Experian about regulatory and legal issues facing online marketplace lenders.

  • In this webinar, Experian provided a 360-degree industry view of the fast-growing Online Marketplace Lending industry. Our experts help explain go-to-market strategies, self-regulation vs. government regulation and why this fintech-driven segment of financial services is attracting so much attention from investors, banks and the small businesses they lend to.


    Gavin Harding, Sr. Consultant, Experian

    Tony Hadley, SVP Government and Regulatory Affairs, Experian

    Peter Renton, Founder, Lend Academy

  • Virtually unheard of just 10 years ago, Web-based companies that offer funding options beyond traditional bank loans have grown considerably. Small businesses — drawn by the easy application process and flexible repayment terms — have become increasingly comfortable working with online lenders, which offer rapid access to capital, a wide array of niche products and a low-friction customer experience. In this article we discuss emerging trends in online marketplace lending we can expect to see over the next several years. You can also find the article on our blog.

  • When it comes to matching small-business borrowers to the most appropriate lenders, a new breed of marketplace matchmaker or loan aggregator is finding success bringing the two parties together. Aggregators compare the needs and qualifications of borrowers with lenders in their network matching their target criteria. Think of it as speed dating for business financing. This article explores the various go-to-market strategies and tactics employed by loan aggregators. You can also find our blog post for more details here.

  • As an industry, marketplace lending has enjoyed considerable success over the past five years. In some entrepreneurial circles, names such as Lending Club, Fundera, Creditera and Funding Circle are as well-known as Citibank, Bank of America and Wells Fargo. Many full-service banks see these newer online platforms as opportunities to increase their own efficiencies as well as a way to capture future long-term customers. In this article we explore how financial institutions are aligning with online marketplace lenders. This article is also published on our blog.

  • The evolution of commercial lending over the past seven years has certainly had its share of ups and downs. Remember the ominous days leading up to the financial crisis when it seemed like everything was teetering on collapse? During that uncertain time, commercial lenders took a lot of criticism from several directions. On top of those worries, a new channel emerged, online marketplace lending. In this article, Charles H. Green from Advice On Loan shares his perspectives about how financial institutions can play to their strength, and play to win with online marketplace lenders. You can also read this article on our blog.

  • Online lenders represent a valuable resource for small businesses in need of working capital. Also known as "alternative" lenders, they are particularly useful to new businesses lacking the long, detailed credit history that banks and traditional lenders usually require to underwrite a commercial loan. In this article we explore the various new data sources being used by online lenders to make lending decisions. You can also read this article on our blog.

  • In this short Q&A video, Gavin Harding from Experian's Global Consulting Practice offers his perspectives on online marketplace lending, particularly what kinds of things small businesses are funding with loans acquired online. This Q&A is part of a series of blog posts from Experian Business Information Services available at: Online Marketplace Lending Series
  • What is Peer-to-Peer Lending?
    Video Uploaded Date: Sep 23, 2015
    In this Q&A, Gavin Harding from Experian's Global Consulting Practice offers his definition of what Peer-to-Peer lending is. This Q&A is part of a series of blog posts from Experian Business Information Services available at: Online Marketplace Lending Series
  • In this Q&A with Gavin Harding of Experian's Global Consulting Practice, he offers perspectives on why so many small businesses are tapping online marketplace lending for capital.
  • In this Q&A with Gavin Harding from Experian's Global Consulting Practice, Gavin offers his perspectives on how online marketplace lenders are able to make such fast decisions on loan applications. This Q&A is part of a series of blog posts from Experian Business Information Services available at: Online Marketplace Lending Series
  • Online marketplace lenders started to become increasingly more popular at the tail end of the Great Recession as many banks tightened lending criteria. Gavin Harding from Experian's Global Consulting Practice describes the sequence of events which led to rapid growth in this relatively young sector. This Q&A is part of a series of blog posts from Experian Business Information Services available at: Online Marketplace Lending Series
  • Online Marketplace Lending Q&A
    Video Uploaded Date: Sep 21, 2015
    Gavin Harding, a Sr. Business Consultant with Experian's Global Consulting Practice offers his perspectives on the burgeoning online marketplace lending sector. This Q&A is part of a series of blog posts from Experian Business Information Services available at: Online Marketplace Lending Series
  • How do banks perceive online marketplace lending?
    Video Uploaded Date: Sep 21, 2015
    Gavin Harding of Experian's Global Consulting Practice offers his perspectives on online marketplace lenders and how they are perceived by financial institutions. This Q&A is part of a series of blog posts from Experian Business Information Services available at: Online Marketplace Lending Series
  • The Responsible Business Lending Coalition, a group of non-bank small-business lenders announced a self-regulatory program that is designed to bring greater clarity and consistency to its industry's pricing and consumer protections. In this paper we talk about self-regulation in the online marketplace lending sector and what the Small Business Borrower's Bill of Rights is all about. You can also read this article on our blog.

  • Just how alternative are today's online marketplace lenders?
    Document Published Date: Sep 14, 2015

    Online marketplace lenders, have caused quite a stir over the past couple of years by offering alternative financing products to serve consumers and businesses. But what's so radically different about what they do, other than using a Website rather than a drive-up branch to initiate a financial relationship? This article explores what sets online marketplace lenders from traditional financial institutions. You can also read this article on our blog.

  • Over the past two to three years, online marketplace lending (OML) — also called alternative lending — has made dramatic changes in the landscape of small business lending. In this paper, the first in a series of eight articles, Experian experts discuss this exploding fin-tech-driven market from several angles. You can also read our blog post - How online marketplace lenders are changing the rules of small-business finance.