Identity verification and fraud solutions
Securely identify and authenticate users across the customer lifecycle
Increase your confidence as you identify, authenticate and authorize access to applications, payment platforms, systems or networks with user rights and restrictions with our flexible identity verification solutions.
Leverage trusted data and advanced analytics to ensure the individual and business identities you’re interacting with are legitimate and being used by their true owners and without fraudulent intent.
Provide consumers and businesses with the security they want as you confirm identities while managing the ever-increasing volume of online and mobile account registrations with our online identity verification solutions.
Online identity verification is the process of digitally confirming the identity of a user. Whether you’re reviewing an account application or approving an online transaction, you need to know that the person you’re dealing with is a real person who’s eligible to use the services.
Improve customer experience with lower-friction identity recognition methods and higher approval rates for good, verified customers.
Raise fraud detection and lower losses through low -false positives and needless referrals.
Gain cost efficiencies through only leveraging step-up authentication treatments for those customer interactions truly warranting additional verification.
Improve reputation and security by invoking the right account management techniques across the customer lifecycle.
Seamlessly confirming that the presented payment method is owned by the identity presenting it.
ID verification software is a solution that helps ensure a consumer or business entity is who they say they are, and that their online identity matches their real-world information. This software may use a variety of identity verification tools to confirm the legitimacy of the identity and that the user presenting the identity is the true owner.
If you have questions or issues related to your personal credit report, disputes, identity theft or fraud alerts, visit Experian.com/help.
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