Underreported individual income tax is one of the largest, but most challenging problems facing tax and revenue agencies today. Using our advanced analytics and custom model development services, learn how one agency was able to detect over $33 million in tax revenue gap and prevent future underreporting of taxable income.
Machine learning and artificial intelligence are no longer a luxury, but a proven necessity. Learn how advanced analytics has become more accessible and scalable to organizations of all sizes.
Learn how Experian Clarity Services clients can enhance business processes with reliable and seamless income and employment verification that can reduce costs and complexity with a frictionless customer experience.
Learn how MSUFCU increased their automation rate to over 55%.
Learn how business intelligence can take data and turn it into actionable insights to help organizations pinpoint business problems, determine potential opportunities and make better, data-driven decisions.
Learn more how Experian is committedDATA PRIVACY
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