You’ll never need to shop for car insurance again

You could save over $800β a year with our Insurance Marketplace. And we’ll continue to shop for better rates in the future—for free.

Graphic auto and home insurance quotes.
Graphic Bristol West quote is ready.

Rates are illustrative only. Your rates may vary.

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Se requiere dominio del inglés para tener pleno acceso a los productos de Experian.

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βResults will vary and some may not see savings. Average savings of $828 per year for customers who switched and saved with Experian from Jan. 1, 2022 to Mar. 31, 2024. Savings based on customers’ self-reported prior premium. Experian offers insurance from a network of top-rated insurance companies through its licensed subsidiary, Gabi Personal Insurance Agency, Inc.

βLos resultados variarán y es posible que algunos no vean ahorros. Ahorros promedio de $828 por año para los clientes que cambiaron y ahorraron con Experian desde el 1 de enero de 2022 hasta el 31 de marzo de 2024. Los ahorros están basados ​​en la prima anterior informada directamente por los clientes. Experian ofrece seguros de una red de compañías de seguros de primer nivel a través de su filial autorizada, Gabi Personal Insurance Agency, Inc.

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How it works:

Just answer some questions about your current plan so we can match you to personalized quotes.

Graphic auto insurance qustion 1 screen.

We’ll show you offers from our top insurance carriers so you can choose the best one for you.

Graphic auto insurance matches screen.

From switching your policy to canceling and requesting a partial refund on your old plan, we help you do it all.

Graphic auto insurance qustion congratulations screen.

Find your same coverage for less

You may be overpaying for insurance. We can help take the hassle out of shopping and find you a better deal.

Compare rates

We actively monitor rates in our network to make sure you’re always getting our best deal.

Save time

There’s no need to visit other sites or fill out multiple forms—we do it all in one place.

Have peace of mind

Rest easy knowing you have the right price. Plus, we’ll keep shopping for you so you find the coverage you need.

Get potential savings

Let us find you a lower rate—you may even be able to get a partial refund on your previous plan.

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Graphic top insurers.

You have questions, we have answers

Experian Insurance Services® acts as your online insurance broker and agent. We don’t replace the insurance company, we just help you shop and switch to a policy that’s best for you—for free!

Just like all agents, we are paid a commission by the insurance company. There is no upcharge to you, and Experian Insurance Services® is a free tool for you to use. These commissions are from the insurance companies’ marketing budgets given we brought them new customers, not from your premiums. Your rates are the rates provided and aren’t impacted by our commission. This means you never pay extra to use our tool.

We show you the best available quotes based on your specific coverage. We’re unbiased, and earn commissions regardless of which policy you choose.

We will never sell your data and we don’t cold call or spam our customers.

Yes, we are licensed in all 50 states, as well as Washington DC. You can view all licenses here.

After switching your coverage, Experian Insurance Services® can help you send a cancellation notice to your original insurance carrier, which may trigger a partial refund from your previous policy. Refunds are calculated based on the unused length of your original insurance policy and are handled directly by the original carrier.

We receive a commission, and possibly other performance-based compensation, from insurance companies for our services. You may ask for more information about commissions by emailing us at Some products not available in certain geographies. Quotes are subject to approval by the insurance carrier. Click here to view our licenses.

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