Press release: Experian acquires NeuroIDLearn more

Gain instant insight into new service applicants

Developed for the telecommunications, energy and cable (TEC) industries, Connect Check and Connect Check/Plus are real-time customer verification solutions that enable your customer service representatives to make immediate and informed decisions at the time of a service request. Connect Check instantly verifies an applicant’s identity while Connect Check/Plus adds critical risk management, fraud decisioning, propensity modeling and prior account linkage. 

Enhance decisioning at the point of contact

Verify identity

Authenticate your applicants’ identities in real time at the point of contact.

Reduce risk

Leverage risk scores to determine deposit decisions and fraud risk.

Build loyalty

Quickly identify new cross-sell and upsell marketing opportunities.

Detect fraud and minimize risk

Learn how Connect Check/Plus can help you make immediate, informed and consistent decisions

Product benefits

  • Ensures consistent business policy implementation through customized decision messaging 
  • Speeds up customer acquisition and approval 
  • Reduces fraud and credit risk 
  • Identifies prior account relationships so you can continue service options and collect outstanding prior balances
Let's talk

Unlock a new level of customer insight

To learn more about our solutions, please fill out the form below.

We are unable to address personal credit report and/or membership inquiries via this business form. Visit or call 888-397-3742 for consumer assistance.

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