Experian® Data Breach Response Guide

Maximize your organization’s preparedness with our most comprehensive guide to date.

Data Breach Response Guide

With ransomware alive and thriving and third-party breaches trending upward, it’s a matter of when, not if, your organization will be the victim of a cyberattack. But even the best defenses cannot prevent all potential breaches. To beat bad actors at their game you need to always be prepared—stay on your toes and have a plan to limit the negative impact of a successful attack.

Are you ready?

The 2023-2024 Experian Data Breach Response Guide can help maximize your organization’s preparedness. It’s our most comprehensive guide to date and includes:

  • Insights into current cybersecurity trends, including third-party and supply chain breaches
  • Perspectives on the most at-risk industries and how they are impacted by data breaches
  • Proven best practices for how to create and test a successful response plan
  • Step-by-step guidance for responding to a data breach
  • How Experian services can help with breach planning and response

Cyberattacks are coming hard and fast. There’s no time to let your guard down. Having a solid response plan helps your organization respond and recover faster after a data breach, and just as importantly, also helps reduce incidents: 15% fewer incidents occur on average for customers with a plan.1

Start preparing today.

1Experian Data June 2023

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