When operating in an ever-changing environment with increased expectations to do more with less, it’s critical for agencies to effectively manage risk. By taking a holistic approach to government risk management, agencies can better respond to and reduce risks in policies and programs.

Our comprehensive data and predictive analytics enable agencies to authenticate identities, monitor status change and mitigate risks by providing ongoing analysis of markets, portfolios, constituents and businesses.

Better anticipate and manage risks using an enterprise approach.

Government risk management solutions

Implement solutions to better leverage internal resources, improve services and protect your citizens.

collegues brainstorming together at desk

Improve decisioning and resource allocation

Data and predictive analytics enable deeper insights and smarter decisions.

Consultant shaking hands with a customer

Prevent fraud and protect program integrity

Detect, prevent and address fraud risk across programs and touchpoints.

Three people sitting discussing paperwork at table

Vet prospective contractors and providers 

Automate and standardize risk processes while adhering to government contract compliance, including supplier diversity.

Man video conferencing in apartment

Ensure improved services to citizens

Streamline processes to protect citizens and ensure a seamless experience.

Experian experts are ready to help you optimize your risk management strategy


Learn how we can streamline public sector risk management

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