Without reliable income data, it’s difficult to gauge a consumer’s ability to pay. For utility providers, income verification is a critical function that enables consumers to obtain the assistance they critically need. By leveraging our automated income verification tools, you can streamline the eligibility review process and identify consumers who qualify for utility payment assistance.

Income verification solutions

Learn how you can reduce friction, digitalize communications and drive positive user experiences.

Income Insight℠

Leverage Income Insight to determine a customer’s ability to meet their financial obligations.


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Our dedicated utilities team is on hand to help you keep pace with the changing utilities landscape.

How to optimize your consumer energy assistance and efficiency programs

In today’s challenging economic environment, it’s more important than ever for utility providers to adopt strategies and processes that preserve positive customer relationships without hurting their bottom line. Learn how can you more accurately assess your customers’ ability to pay and provide relief to those who need it most.

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