What is marketing analytics?

Marketing analytics is the process of gathering, measuring, interpreting, and understanding data related to your marketing efforts. It’s a crucial tool that empowers businesses to gain in-depth customer insights and drive strategic decision-making. The data used in marketing analytics comprises several different factors, including customer behavior, preferences, marketing campaign performance, and current market trends. Effective marketing analytics practices will ensure that your business is built on accurate attribution models.

Using advanced data analysis techniques and tools, your business can discover valuable insights into your current approaches and find ways to refine your marketing strategies, optimize resource allocation, and boost conversion rates.

How marketing analytics will benefit your business

Marketing data analytics isn’t just about learning more about your marketing efforts; it’s about using the data you gather and leveraging it to make a significant impact on your business. Here are a few ways marketing analytics can improve your operations.

Improved marketing ROI

With efficient marketing analytics, you can more easily direct your efforts to the most receptive audience. When you understand customer demographics, behaviors, and preferences, it takes the guesswork out of determining what may or may not work since you already have data-driven insights. You can assess which platforms and messages will be most effective to bring you the return on investment you’re looking for.

Accurate goal setting

Marketing analytics gives you concrete evidence of how effective your current marketing strategies are. This comprehensive and accurate data gives you a benchmark for where you’re at so you can set quantifiable and realistic goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) moving forward.

Streamline marketing process

Marketing data analytics helps reduce the time and effort spent researching and estimating market trends, customer behaviors, and competitor strategies. Additionally, many facets of marketing can be automated through marketing analytics tools, which creates more accurate information while also saving time and resources.

Product development

By analyzing customer data, marketing analytics enables you to understand which products sell well and identify new development opportunities. It provides insights into customer needs, pain points, and preferences, guiding product development efforts to align with market demands. 

Improved customer experience

With marketing data analytics, you can better understand your customers’ needs, pain points, and preferences while identifying well-selling products and finding new development opportunities. All of this helps guide your product development and marketing efforts to ensure they align with market demands.

Where to start with data analysis

When getting started with marketing analytics, it can seem daunting to know where to begin. But, with the right approach and analytical marketing tools, it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. At Experian, our advanced analytics team provides the expertise you need to navigate this process easily. Here’s how we help you get started.

Determine the goal of your analysis

The first step is to define the objectives of your data analysis. Are you looking to measure campaign performance, understand customer behavior, or optimize resources? Your goals will vary depending on your company’s needs and available data, but they are crucial to guiding your marketing data analytics journey.

Segment customer data

Data segmentation involves dividing customer data based on various criteria, like demographics, purchase history, and behavior. Doing this gives you deeper insights into specific customer segments and enables you to tailor marketing strategies to suit each group’s unique characteristics.

Utilize Experian’s reporting capabilities

At Experian, we offer robust reporting capabilities to help you understand your customers, campaigns, and the best channels to reach your audience. With our analytical marketing tools, you can uncover new opportunities, gain deeper insights, and fine-tune your strategies.

Implement analytical processes

To implement a successful marketing analytics process, try to avoid common pitfalls like focusing on the wrong metrics, not investing in the right tools, limiting access to the data you have, or generating reports that aren’t beneficial. Instead, focus on gathering and delivering meaningful, real-time insights that help inform your decision-making.

Run scheduled reports

Generating scheduled reports is essential for monitoring progress, tracking changes, identifying patterns, addressing anomalies, and viewing emerging trends over time. Effective digital marketing analytic tools, like those from Experian, help you archive historical data to compare current performance to past campaigns and track how well things are going.


Effective marketing analytics is an ongoing process. Once you’ve achieved your initial goals, set more analysis objectives. Continue to compare past campaigns, track current progress, and strategize for the future. This cyclical approach ensures your marketing efforts remain data-driven and adaptive to changing market conditions.

Improving your marketing data analytics

Effective marketing analysis is more than just numbers; it’s about harnessing insights to drive your marketing strategies to new heights. We’ll guide you through improving your marketing data analytics by diving into essential details, such as attribution models, data hygiene, data quantity, analytics tools, and data sources.

Attribution models

These models allocate credit to various touchpoints in the customer journey, allowing you to understand which interactions lead to the most conversions. With accurate attribution models, you can more easily optimize your marketing spend. We can help you identify the best attribution model for your business and begin deriving comprehensive performance insights from your marketing efforts.

Data hygiene

Data hygiene is essential for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of your data. Our team has established data hygiene processes that enable you to use the most accurate data in your data-driven decisions. This includes data cleansing, validation, and enrichment, ensuring your data is up-to-date and relevant.

Data quantity

Access to a vast quantity of data is valuable, and it’s equally essential that the data is relevant and high-quality. We can assist you in acquiring and maintaining robust data by enriching your first party data with our data attributes or collaborating with third parties to build more complete customer profiles. When you partner with us, you can be confident that you have access to correct and comprehensive data to power your marketing strategies.

Data analytics tools

Our state-of-the-art data analytics tools are designed to handle all types of data sets, from simple to complex. These tools make it easier to analyze vast quantities of data and extract meaningful insights efficiently.

Data sources

To get the most accurate and complete data, you’ll want access to diverse sources. We can help you with data enrichment and collaboration to ensure you have the most comprehensive customer data. This encompasses first-party data, which you collect directly from your customers, and third-party data, which includes external sources like market research and demographics.

How Experian’s marketing analytics team can help

When it comes to marketing analytics, having an experienced partner can make all the difference. Our marketing analytics team is here to help you unlock the full potential of your data. We offer a suite of solutions and expertise to enhance every facet of your marketing data analytics, from the inception of your goals to the execution of data-driven strategies.

Using your marketing analytics data

The true power of marketing analytics lies in its application. Here’s how to use your data insights to drive your business forward. 

  • Change what isn’t working: Marketing analytics helps you identify underperforming campaigns and channels. By recognizing these inefficiencies, you can reallocate resources and refine your strategies to maximize returns. 
  • Gain a competitive edge: Understanding your customers and the market better than your competitors is a significant advantage. Marketing data analytics enables you to stay ahead of the curve, adapt to changing customer preferences, and seize opportunities as they arise. 
  • Plan new strategies and adapt current ones: With data-driven insights, you can develop and implement new marketing strategies that address gaps in your current approach. Whether it’s expanding into new markets, launching innovative products, or enhancing customer experiences, marketing analytics helps guide your strategic decisions.

Get started with Experian’s marketing analytics

At Experian, we have a wealth of experience and advanced solutions to help elevate your marketing data analytics. Our team can guide you in implementing attribution models, maintaining data hygiene, optimizing data quantity, harnessing data analytics tools, and integrating data sources seamlessly. 

With us by your side, you’ll maximize the true potential of your data and transform it into actionable insights. Embrace the power of data-driven decisions, enhance your marketing ROI, and gain a competitive advantage in your industry by contacting Experian today. 

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