In the lending world, making precise underwriting decisions is key to minimizing risks and optimizing returns. One valuable yet often overlooked technique that can...
Rising balances and delinquency rates are causing lenders to proactively minimize credit risk through pre-delinquency treatments. However, the success of these types of account management...
As the financial sector continues to embrace technological innovations, machine learning models are becoming indispensable tools for credit decisioning. These models offer enhanced efficiency...
Click here to watch our recent webinar on first-time homebuyers. The younger generations comprise nearly 70% of first-time homebuyers, according to recent Experian Mortgage...
Current economic conditions present genuine challenges for mortgage lenders. In this environment, first-time homebuyers offer exciting, perhaps unexpected, business growth potential. Market uncertainties have...
This article was updated on March 12, 2024. The number of decisions that a business must make in the marketing space is on the...
This article was updated on March 6, 2024. Advances in analytics and modeling are making credit risk decisioning more efficient and precise. And while...
This article was updated on February 28, 2024. There’s always a risk that a borrower will miss or completely stop making payments. And when...
This article was updated on February 21, 2024. With the rise of technology and data analytics in the financial industry today, it’s no longer...
Developing machine learning (ML) credit risk models can be more challenging than traditional credit risk modeling approaches. But once deployed, ML models can increase...
As a community bank or credit union, your goal is to provide personalized care and attention to your customers and members while effectively managing...
This article was updated on February 13, 2024. Traditional credit data has long been a reliable source for measuring consumers’ creditworthiness. While that’s not...
Companies depend on quality information to make decisions that move their business objectives forward while minimizing risk exposure. And in today’s modern, tech-driven, innovation-led...
In today’s complex business landscape, data-based decision-making has become the norm, with advanced technologies and analytics tools facilitating faster and more accurate modeling and...
Model explainability has become a hot topic as lenders look for ways to use artificial intelligence (AI) to improve their decision-making. Within credit decisioning,...