
Is Big Data a Big Problem?

Published: September 27, 2018 by Jesse Hoggard

Big Data is no longer a new concept. Once thought to be an overhyped buzzword, it now underpins and drives billions in dollars of revenue across nearly every industry. But there are still companies who are not fully leveraging the value of their big data and that’s a big problem.

In a recent study, Experian and Forrester surveyed nearly 600 business executives in charge of enterprise risk, analytics, customer data and fraud management. The results were surprising: while 78% of organizations said they have made recent investments in advanced analytics, like the proverbial strategic plan sitting in a binder on a shelf, only 29% felt they were successfully using these investments to combine data sources to gather more insights. Moreover, 40% of respondents said they still rely on instinct and subjectivity when making decisions.

While gut feeling and industry experience should be a part of your decision-making process, without data and models to verify or challenge your assumptions, you’re taking a big risk with bigger operations budgets and revenue targets.

Meanwhile, customer habits and demands are quickly evolving beyond a fundamental level. The proliferation of mobile and online environments are driving a paradigm shift to omnichannel banking in the financial sector and with it, an expectation for a customized but also digitized customer experience. Financial institutions have to be ready to respond to and anticipate these changes to not only gain new customers but also retain current customers.

Moreover, you can bet that your competition is already thinking about how they can respond to this shift and better leverage their data and analytics for increased customer acquisition and engagement, share of wallet and overall reach. According to a recent Accenture study, 79% of enterprise executives agree that companies that fail to embrace big data will lose their competitive position and could face extinction.

What are you doing to help solve the business problem around big data and stay competitive in your company?

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