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Commercial Credit Score

Do you know what's in your business's commercial credit file?

Monitoring your commercial credit is an important step many business owners neglect. Creditors and suppliers are increasingly relying on commercial credit scores to make credit decisions. Problems in your commercial credit file can result in higher interest rates or can limit your ability to obtain capital. You can take control of your company’s commercial credit by checking and monitoring your business credit score regularly.

In addition to protecting your own company’s credit, Experian business credit reports can help you make better-informed business decisions. By checking the credit profiles of suppliers, partners or potential customers, you can protect your company from financial risk and avoid extending credit to the wrong companies.

Obtain online access to commercial credit scores with just a few clicks. Get started by running a company search on our database of more than 27 million U.S. businesses:

What’s Inside Each Report

In addition to industry standard credit scores based on Experian’s leading risk scoring model, Experian commercial credit reports offer key business information, including:

Item Benefit
Company financial facts Evaluate credit risk and determine acceptable credit levels
Payments, trades and collections Learn a company’s previous payment history
Bankruptcies, liens and judgments Avoid risky transactions and assess potential customers or partnerships
Company background information Identify ownership, subsidiaries and parent companies
Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) Filings Find out your credit position relative to other creditors