Gen Z, or “Zoomers,” born from 1997 to 2012, are molded by modern transformations. They have witnessed events from post-9/11 impacts to the rise...
In a world where technology evolves at lightning speed, fraudsters are becoming more sophisticated in their methods, leveraging advancements in artificial intelligence (AI). According...
With the noticeable uptick in delinquencies, credit unions face more significant hurdles in effectively managing overdue accounts. In this challenging financial landscape, it’s imperative...
This post was originally published on our Global Insights Blog. As credit card issuers grow, the size of their customer base expands, bringing both opportunities...
With debit and credit card transactions becoming more prevalent than cash payments in today’s digital-first world, card fraud has become a significant concern for...
Getting customers to respond to your credit offers can be difficult. With the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), optimizing credit...
This series will dive into our monthly State of the Economy report, providing a snapshot of the top monthly economic and credit data for...
For car dealers, the holy grail isn’t a flashy sports car or a top-selling SUV. It’s a simple whisper: “I’m thinking about getting a...
With rising consumer debt and an increasing number of consumers defaulting on loans, effective debt recovery strategies have never been more critical. Skip-tracing is the first-step...
Open banking has been leveraged for years in the U.S. The anticipated U.S. regulation under section 1033 of the Dodd-Frank Act, combined with the...
Finding a balance between providing secure financial services and user-friendly experiences is no easy task. One of the biggest hurdles? Ensuring identity authentication is...
According to Experian’s Automotive Market Trends Report: Q1 2024, hybrids accounted for 11.8% of new vehicle registrations, an increase from 8.8% last year....
First-time homebuyers (FTHBs) represent a significant portion of the homebuying market across the United States, particularly in Texas where we see the largest proportion....
With more consumers online, bad actors are taking the opportunity to commit more financial crimes, such as account takeover fraud. This online scheme resulted...
Rising balances and delinquency rates are causing lenders to proactively minimize credit risk through pre-delinquency treatments. However, the success of these types of account management...