The recently released 2012 Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Security Survey reports a notable increase in security measures undertaken by U.S.hospitals to...
Since stricter regulations were imposed in 2009, the healthcare industry’s track record on patient data protection and security has made very little improvement according...
Human errors are the most common threats to exposing a person’s personal information to data breaches according to an analysis of reported data breaches...
According to EMC’s November 2012 fraud report, online holiday shopping is projected to account for 24% of the year’s total e-commerce sales which is good...
Now that your data breach response plan is in place and you’re confident that your company is safeguarded from malicious data breach attempts, what...
December is not only the shop ‘til you drop season, it’s also National Identity Theft Prevention and Awareness month, reminding retailers and businesses that...
We’re all familiar with well-known causes of data security breaches and identity fraud; phishing, malware attacks, and lack of cyber security protection are some...
As we approach another season of shopping and consumerism, the retail industry should pay strict attention to the findings in the latest Verizon’s Data...
As medical data breaches continue to spike, the federal government is seeking remedies to try and prevent medical identity theft. Nearly 21 million Americans...
As Superstorm Sandy demonstrated to the East Coast during the last week of National Cyber Security Awareness Month; life happens so do you know...
While technology undoubtedly has made accessing medical information much easier and faster, it also has also provided an increased potential for medical data breaches...
To cloud or not to cloud? That is the question. And while there’s no questioning the convenience and benefits of cloud storage – you...