Verronica Herrera is a member of Experian’s Decision Sciences’ product management team primarily focused on bureau scores. She brings background and expertise on wide variety of credit risk and prospecting scoring tools, including VantageScore™, Bankruptcy PLUS, In the Market Models, and the Ability to Pay suite of income estimation models. Veronica has 13 years experience managing online consumer products for mortgage, insurance and consumer credit industries and is the newest member of our blogging team, since 2012.

-- Veronica Herrera

All posts by Veronica Herrera


Many times prescreen filtering stops after risk selection but that’s just one small piece of the puzzle.Experian has new tools that can help you...

Published: August 13, 2014 by Veronica Herrera

Every prospecting list needs to be filtered by your organizations specific credit risk threshold. Whether you’re developing a campaign targeting super-prime, sub-prime, or consumers...

Published: August 7, 2014 by Veronica Herrera

At Experian, we frequently get asked by clients how they can get bigger mailing list that open new markets and reach more people. But...

Published: August 5, 2014 by Veronica Herrera

Gone are the days when validating scoring models was a thing you did when you got around to it. Besides that fact that the...

Published: November 15, 2012 by Veronica Herrera

As a scoring manager, this question has always stumped me because there was never a clear answer. It simply meant less than prime –...

Published: July 13, 2012 by Veronica Herrera

Previously, we looked at the various ways a dual score strategy could help you focus in on an appropriate lending population. Find your mail-to...

Published: June 12, 2012 by Veronica Herrera

Last month, I wrote about seeking ways to ensure growth without increasing risk.  This month, I’ll present a few approaches that use multiple scores...

Published: April 3, 2012 by Veronica Herrera

For as long as there have been loans, there has been credit risk and risk management. In the early days of US banking, the...

Published: February 10, 2012 by Veronica Herrera

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