Honoring the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s involvement in the Civil Rights Movement changed the United States forever, and his legacy serves as a reminder to stand up for what is right today and every day.

Experian is proud to do our part through our partnerships with the NAACP, Operation Hope and Black Girl Ventures.

Here are ways we are supporting:

  • NAACP Empowerment Programs – Our partnership with the NAACP creates “The Home Preservation Grant, which will provide grants to African American homeowners at risk of losing their homes because of COVID-19 hardships.
  • Operation HOPE – One of the goals of the partnership is to help ethnic minority groups who are struggling to raise and sustain a 700-credit score or higher. By helping people raise their credit scores we can shift their mindset from one of “survival” to “thriving” and make a real difference in their lives. For some, a higher score may mean the ability to purchase a new car, have a credit card, own a home, or simply save money for their family.
  • Black Girl Ventures – Our partnership will provide financial resources to help scale its Black Girl Ventures Style Pitch Competition and Amplify BGV Programs. We are also a proud sponsor of BGV’s new weekly podcast, “From Hustling to Handling, How to Stay in Business.” Together, we will curate entrepreneurial education content to assist a broader audience with knowledge and best practices related to financial literacy and wealth management.

These partnerships are just the beginning of our journey to support our Black and Brown communities.

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