Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke often about “the beloved community.” To be of service to all and unite us in the act of giving back. This encapsulates what Experian stands for: to create a better tomorrow for all.
We’re proud that today, across Experian North America, our teammates will be participating in volunteer opportunities in-person and virtually to address needs in their communities; everything from career development, recording audio books for children, and creating Martin Luther King, Jr. fact cards in braille.
One project that we’re particularly looking forward to is helping to design free budget templates for consumers in underserved communities. Financial literacy and equitable access to financial tools and resources lead to economic empowerment. We’ve been able to bring our message to live events like the National Urban League, and support young athletes and their families at the Allen Iverson Roundball Classic as its exclusive financial literacy partner.
To further our support of Dr. King’s mission, Experian has also made a donation to the King Center for Non-violent Social Change.
We’re proud Experian supports today’s National Day of Service and hope you’re able to make an impact in your communities on this day, and every day.