Learn how your organization can drive patient loyalty and create excellent patient experiences, every time.
Jason Considine, Senior Vice President, Patient Collections & Engagement, with Experian Health, sat down with Joe Lavelle from IntrepidNOW at HIMSS17 to talk patient...
The future for patient engagement becomes more clear every time we go out and do focus groups with providers and their patients. And what...
There has been a lot of uncertainty with regards to what the future holds for healthcare in the U.S., but the reality is that...
On April 27, millions of workplaces, employees, parents and children will celebrate the 24th year anniversary of the Take Our Daughters And Sons To...
In case you missed them, below are links to recently created videos of our clients and staff, as well as links to recorded webinars....
Below is a collection of some of most compelling article we’ve read in recent months. We hope you find these interesting, too! One Goal;...
Undoubtedly, you have been monitoring progress toward legislation for healthcare providers to furnish patients with estimates for their cost of care. And if it’s...
Scott Lee oversees the Experian Health Reference Program. Scott graduated with a BA in Business Management from The University of Texas at San Antonio,...
Below is an update from the Experian Health Support Team. Network & System Performance Last six months: Upgrades to the network, compute and storage...