Tips for Creating a Plan for Financial Independence

Join our #CreditChat on Periscope, YouTube Live, Twitter, and Snapchat on Wednesday, July 5 at 3 p.m ET. In this chat, we’ll discuss how you can plan for financial independence.

Topic: Tips for Creating a Plan for Financial Independence

When: July 5, 2017 at 3 p.m. ET.

Easy ways to chat with us on Twitter: Tchat

The panel will include: Douglas Boneparth: NYC’s Financial Advisor for Millennials and Founder of Bonefidewealth.comShannon McNay: Writer for Student Loan HeroRod Griffin: Director of Public Education at Experian; and Christina Roman: Social Media Specialist at Experian.

We’re also featuring financial tips all week on Snapchat.

Questions We’ll Discuss:

  • Q1: What does financial independence mean to you?
  • Q2: What are some common crutches that prevent someone from achieving financial independence?
  • Q3: What are some of the first steps a person should take to achieve financial independence?
  • Q4: How do you even identify how much you will need to become financially independent?
  • Q5: How can you plan for financial independence when you have major purchases in your future?
  • Q6: What options are available if you can’t achieve financial independence on your current salary/pay?
  • Q7: How can investing help you achieve financial independence?
  • Q8: How do you achieve financial independence when your friends or family members are spendthrifts?
  • Q9: What tips or tricks can help someone stay motivated to achieve their goal of financial independence?
  • Q10: Any final tips for someone looking to become financially independent?

If you’ve never heard about #CreditChat, here is a brief overview:

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