#ExperianStories: Simone Barbosa de Lima

Simone shares her experience starting over from scratch after immigrating to the U.S. from Brazil and how using Experian Boost helped her financial health. Listen to her story in both English and Portuguese or read the full transcripts below.

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English Transcript:

00;00;00;00 – 00;00;03;14 (upbeat music) 00;00;04;10 – 00;00;07;08 I was in college when I got my first job 00;00;07;08 – 00;00;09;22 as a customer service operator 00;00;09;22 – 00;00;12;11 at a credit card company in Brazil. 00;00;12;11 – 00;00;15;02 This was in 1995, 00;00;15;02 – 00;00;20;02 and the credit card interest rate was about 450% 00;00;20;19 – 00;00;22;16 per year at that time. 00;00;22;16 – 00;00;23;29 Believe me, this is true. 00;00;23;29 – 00;00;26;21 And that was my first experience with credit, 00;00;26;27 – 00;00;31;06 Learning through other consumers what not to do. 00;00;31;06 – 00;00;33;20 I come from a humble family. 00;00;33;20 – 00;00;35;23 My father, who was a military, 00;00;35;23 – 00;00;38;08 had like three jobs 00;00;38;08 – 00;00;40;12 to ensure that my siblings and I 00;00;40;12 – 00;00;42;22 could have like a good education in Brazil. 00;00;42;22 – 00;00;46;28 So, I grew up learning the importance of saving money 00;00;47;03 – 00;00;50;09 for the tough days, even if it was just a little bit. 00;00;50;17 – 00;00;53;08 And that was a very important thing for us to do. 00;00;53;13 – 00;00;54;25 Prior to Experian, 00;00;54;25 – 00;00;59;03 I had different jobs in the financial industry in Brazil. 00;00;59;03 – 00;01;02;18 All of those related to credit risk management, 00;01;02;18 – 00;01;04;24 and working in those areas, 00;01;04;24 – 00;01;06;00 helped me a lot 00;01;06;00 – 00;01;08;16 to learn how to manage my financials, 00;01;08;16 – 00;01;12;13 but also gave me the ability to support my family, 00;01;12;13 – 00;01;15;23 my friends, and some co-workers sometimes 00;01;15;23 – 00;01;18;28 when they were going through a financial problem. 00;01;18;28 – 00;01;22;01 My credit score was excellent in Brazil. 00;01;22;18 – 00;01;24;28 When I moved to Boston four years ago, 00;01;25;03 – 00;01;26;29 the story was totally different. 00;01;27;10 – 00;01;30;01 I had no credit history here. 00;01;30;11 – 00;01;32;24 I had to pay for everything in cash 00;01;33;02 – 00;01;35;10 and build that history slowly. 00;01;35;10 – 00;01;37;09 I felt invisible, 00;01;37;09 – 00;01;40;04 and I can tell you this is not a nice feeling. 00;01;41;01 – 00;01;44;22 And then I was introduced to Experian Boost 00;01;44;22 – 00;01;46;16 during the beta phase, 00;01;46;16 – 00;01;49;11 and I said, “Hey, this is it.” 00;01;49;11 – 00;01;52;20 And I boost my score. 00;01;52;20 – 00;01;54;07 My score went up. 00;01;54;07 – 00;01;57;15 And since then I became a huge fan of the product. 00;01;57;15 – 00;01;59;04 From my perspective, 00;01;59;04 – 00;02;02;06 Experian plays a key role in people’s lives, 00;02;02;06 – 00;02;04;14 but not everyone is aware of it. 00;02;04;14 – 00;02;07;20 I remember when I joined the company 14 years ago, 00;02;08;02 – 00;02;12;16 I managed portfolio management and collection in CIS. 00;02;13;03 – 00;02;16;04 And a lot of my friends were making jokes with me, 00;02;16;09 – 00;02;18;29 “Now you’re going to deliver the negative letters. 00;02;19;04 – 00;02;21;23 You work for a company that only works for banks 00;02;21;29 – 00;02;24;14 that doesn’t care about consumers, etc.” 00;02;25;01 – 00;02;26;10 But that wasn’t true! 00;02;26;22 – 00;02;30;24 And I saw in this an opportunity to educate not only my friends, 00;02;30;29 – 00;02;34;06 but also my customers and consumers. 00;02;34;22 – 00;02;37;24 At the time, we launched some internal campaigns, 00;02;37;29 – 00;02;41;12 partnered with some of our key customers, 00;02;41;22 – 00;02;44;09 and the results were super positive 00;02;44;14 – 00;02;48;28 and created spontaneous free media for the company, which was great. 00;02;48;28 – 00;02;52;04 When I see all of the amazing things that 00;02;53;02 – 00;02;56;04 all of the business units are doing across the globe, 00;02;56;04 – 00;02;58;14 I couldn’t be more proud of. 00;02;58;14 – 00;03;00;13 It’s great when I see people say, 00;03;00;13 – 00;03;02;04 “Hey, my score went up.” 00;03;02;04 – 00;03;03;25 Or “This happened to me.” 00;03;03;25 – 00;03;07;13 Or “I was able like to buy a house.” 00;03;07;13 – 00;03;11;08 And we are part of every single decision. 00;03;11;08 – 00;03;13;04 This is amazing. 00;03;13;04 – 00;03;14;27 So this is data for good. 00;03;14;27 – 00;03;16;15 And I love Experian, 00;03;16;15 – 00;03;18;21 I love being part of this family, 00;03;18;21 – 00;03;23;21 and I think our mission is so inspiring and powerful. 00;03;24;19 – 00;03;26;11 I can’t wait to see 00;03;26;11 – 00;03;28;21 all of the amazing things that we will do together. 00;03;28;21 – 00;03;32;05 (upbeat music)

Portuguese Transcript:

00;00;04;10 – 00;00;07;08 Eu fazia faculdade quando consegui meu primeiro emprego como operadora 00;00;07;08 – 00;00;12;11 de atendimento em uma empresa de cartão de crédito no Brasil. 00;00;12;11 – 00;00;17;13 Isso foi em 1995, quando a taxa de juros de cartões 00;00;17;13 – 00;00;22;16 era aproximadamente 450% ao ano. 00;00;22;16 – 00;00;23;29 Pode acreditar. Era isso mesmo. 00;00;23;29 – 00;00;27;06 Essa foi minha primeira experiência com crédito, 00;00;27;13 – 00;00;31;06 aprender com outros consumidores o que não fazer. 00;00;31;06 – 00;00;32;26 Venho de uma família humilde. 00;00;32;26 – 00;00;36;17 Meu pai era militar e tinha três empregos 00;00;37;13 – 00;00;40;00 para garantir que eu e meus irmãos pudéssemos 00;00;40;04 – 00;00;41;28 ter uma boa educação no Brasil. 00;00;42;22 – 00;00;46;28 Então, eu cresci aprendendo a importância de guardar dinheiro 00;00;47;00 – 00;00;50;06 para os dias difíceis, mesmo que fosse só um pouquinho. 00;00;50;14 – 00;00;53;04 E isso era uma coisa muito importante para a gente fazer. 00;00;53;08 – 00;00;54;13 Antes da Experian, 00;00;54;18 – 00;00;58;16 eu tive diferentes empregos no setor financeiro no Brasil, 00;00;58;16 – 00;01;01;24 todos relacionados com a gestão de risco de crédito. 00;01;02;03 – 00;01;04;07 Trabalhar nessas áreas 00;01;04;11 – 00;01;07;19 me ajudou muito a aprender a administrar minhas finanças, 00;01;08;00 – 00;01;12;22 mas também a poder ajudar minha família, meus amigos 00;01;12;27 – 00;01;16;20 e às vezes, alguns colegas de trabalho 00;01;16;24 – 00;01;18;02 com problemas financeiros. 00;01;18;28 – 00;01;22;01 Meu escore de crédito era excelente no Brasil. 00;01;22;15 – 00;01;24;25 Quando mudei para Boston, há quatro anos, 00;01;25;00 – 00;01;26;26 a história foi totalmente diferente. 00;01;27;07 – 00;01;29;28 Eu não tinha nenhum histórico de crédito aqui. 00;01;30;08 – 00;01;32;21 Eu tinha que pagar tudo à vista 00;01;32;29 – 00;01;35;10 e construir esse histórico devagar. 00;01;35;10 – 00;01;37;09 Eu me sentia invisível 00;01;37;09 – 00;01;40;04 e posso dizer que não é uma sensação agradável. 00;01;41;01 – 00;01;46;16 Quando fui apresentada ao Experian Boost durante a fase beta, 00;01;46;16 – 00;01;49;11 eu disse: “É isso!”. 00;01;49;11 – 00;01;52;20 E eu boosted my score. 00;01;52;20 – 00;01;54;07 E meu escore aumentou. 00;01;54;07 – 00;01;57;05 Desde então, eu virei uma grande fã do produto. 00;01;57;05 – 00;02;01;16 Eu acho que a Experian tem um papel fundamental 00;02;01;16 – 00;02;04;12 na vida das pessoas, mas nem todo mundo sabe disso. 00;02;04;12 – 00;02;07;18 Eu lembro que quando entrei na empresa há 14 anos, 00;02;08;00 – 00;02;12;14 eu gerenciava portfolio management e cobrança em CIS. 00;02;13;01 – 00;02;16;02 E muitos dos meus amigos faziam piadas comigo: 00;02;16;07 – 00;02;18;27 “Agora você vai entregar as cartas de negativação. 00;02;19;02 – 00;02;21;21 Você trabalha para uma empresa que só trabalha para os bancos 00;02;21;27 – 00;02;24;12 que não liga para os consumidores etc.” 00;02;24;29 – 00;02;26;08 Mas isso não era verdade! 00;02;26;20 – 00;02;30;22 E vi nisso uma oportunidade para educar não só os meus amigos, 00;02;30;27 – 00;02;34;04 mas também os meus clientes e os consumidores. 00;02;34;20 – 00;02;37;22 Na época, nós lançamos algumas campanhas internas, 00;02;37;27 – 00;02;41;10 fechamos parcerias com alguns dos nossos principais clientes, 00;02;41;20 – 00;02;44;07 e os resultados foram superpositivos 00;02;44;12 – 00;02;48;28 e geraram mídia gratuita espontânea para a empresa, o que foi ótimo. 00;02;48;28 – 00;02;52;04 Quando vejo as coisas incríveis que a gente faz todo dia, 00;02;53;02 – 00;02;54;08 E ver todas as coisas maravilhosas 00;02;54;08 – 00;02;56;04 que as unidades de negócios estão fazendo no mundo todo 00;02;56;04 – 00;02;58;14 me deixa muito orgulhosa. 00;02;58;14 – 00;03;00;13 É ótimo quando vejo pessoas dizendo: 00;03;00;13 – 00;03;02;04 “Minha pontuação subiu”, 00;03;02;04 – 00;03;03;25 “Isso aconteceu comigo” 00;03;03;25 – 00;03;06;27 ou “Eu pude comprar uma casa”. 00;03;06;27 – 00;03;11;08 E fazemos parte de toda e cada decisão. 00;03;11;08 – 00;03;13;04 Isso é incrível. 00;03;13;04 – 00;03;14;28 São os dados usados para o bem. 00;03;14;28 – 00;03;16;15 Eu adoro a Experian. 00;03;16;15 – 00;03;18;02 Adoro fazer parte desta família 00;03;18;02 – 00;03;23;21 e acho nossa missão muito inspiradora e poderosa. 00;03;24;19 – 00;03;27;20 Mal posso esperar para ver todas as coisas incríveis 00;03;27;20 – 00;03;28;21 que vamos fazer juntos.

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