
Forbes Podcast: Looking to Data, Analytics and AI to plan the way forward

Published: April 8, 2020 by Managing Editor, Experian Decision Analytics

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Shri Santhanam, Executive Vice President and General Manager of Global Analytics and AI, speaks to Forbes’ Peter High on his Technovation podcast about Experian’s Analytics and AI solutions.

During times of crisis, innovation accelerates. What was once considered innovation, suddenly falls into the realms of the necessary, with businesses seeking quick, smart solutions to emerging challenges. Although this conversation took place before COVID19 reached the levels of a global pandemic, Santhanam discusses how advanced analytics and AI can be a game-changer for businesses.

Key topics include how businesses need to bring together data, tech and analytics to formulate best in class products and services using AI in the form of examples such as Experian Boost. What it takes to run the global analytics and AI function at Experian. How high-profile consulting positions within previous businesses have placed Santhanam in an ideal position to problem-solve. And what he considers to be the two stand-out developments in the analytics and AI space.

Listen to the podcast, or read the interview.

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