Hundred Page Machine Learning Book w/ Andriy Burkov @burkov (Episode 65) #DataTalk

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Every week, we talk about important data and analytics topics with data science leaders from around the world on Facebook Live.  You can subscribe to the DataTalk podcast on Google PlayStitcherSoundCloud and Spotify.

In this episode, we talked with Andriy Burkov about his latest book “The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book.”

Andriy Burkov is a Machine Learning Team Leader at Gartner, the world’s leading research and advisory company. As a Machine Learning Team Leader, Andriy leads a team working on “hacking” text and other unstructured or semi-structured data to extract useful information. He has his PhD in computer science for artificial intelligence, and he also has his Master of Science degree in computer science for artificial intelligence. He is also the author of “The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book.” To learn more about Andriy, follow him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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